Bag System
Bag Labels and Bag Tracking
The **Bag System** is an amazing tool that facilitates packaging, delivery organization, notifications for your customers, as well as tracking which customers are returning your bag. This system also comes with packing slip labels that help you package your meals into customers bag more efficiently and with less errors.Some readersPackaging & Fulfillment with the Bag System
The Bag System a feature in the Base Plan is an amazing tool that facilitates packaging, delivery organization, notifications for your customers, as well as tracking which customers are returning your bag. But with so many features how do you keep track of everything. How do I know what meals go into which bag to which customer and where it's going? A very-very important question we're asked quite often. The first step is to go to your Fulfillment Report from there you canFew readersDifferentiating Pickup and Delivery Bags
The Bag System a feature in the Base Plan is an amazing tool that facilitates packaging, delivery organization, notifications for your customers, as well as tracking which customers are returning your bag. But with so many features how do you keep track of everything. How do I know where each bag needs to be delivered and to whom it belongs to. A very-very important question we're asked quite often. The first step is to go to your Fulfillment Report from there you can go tFew readersCharging Bag Fees & Refunds
Need to manage which bags customers are getting and how much they're being charged for them? This bag fee will be charged separately from the delivery fee. Go to Delivery Settings Bag Types and click Add New or the ID of an existing bag you need to manage. Name - this is what the customer will see they are being charged for on their invoice. (eg Bag Fee) Max Meals on Bag - if a customer purchases multiple meals for one delivery date, after each interval of this numbFew readers
Kitchen Settings
The macro-nutritional system is applied to ingredients, sub-recipes, and meal recipes, and gives your customer data and information so they can accurately choose meals based on their diet requirements. Additionally, the Container Labels automatically print macro-nutritional information per meal based on ingredients and data you input when building a recipe.Some readersMeal Category
A meal category is divided into two segments a 'Type' and a 'Diet'. An example of a type of meal would be Breakfast, Entree, Snacks, etc... whereas a diet category example would be Keto, Paleo, Low Carb, etc... To start go to the Admin Dashboard Kitchen Settings Meal Categories and click add new or the ID of an existing category to edit. Enter the name of the category you are creating, then select the group ID of this category, either Type or Diet. Then select the backgFew readersHow do I create a vendor
With Sprwt you can track vendors if you are running a ghost kitchen retail operation. This way you can sell food from a single POS device and track which meal is associated with which ghost kitchen. To get started make sure you have the vendor role toggled on for your admin user role (business settings user roles) then go to your kitchen settings vendors add new. Once you've created your vendors you can go to a meal recipe and add the vendor tag to the recipe. This will allFew readersUnits
In Kitchen Settings Units, you can set the possible units you might use to measure your ingredients when building recipes.Few readersHow to create a refund reason
With Sprwt you can refund meals to a digital wallet. As great as a feature that may be, its also important to know why your meals are being refunded. To get started go to kitchen settings refund reasons and add the reasons for a refund for your POS and Retail operations.Few readersIngredient, Allergen, & Dislike Categories
For organization and classification purposes, when you create your Ingredients and Sub-Recipes, you will be able to tag with an **Ingredient Category** and as many **Allergens** and **Dislikes** as relevant.Few readersCreate portion sizes for meal recipes
Running a kitchen comes with a lot of customizations; some customers want chicken and some steak and some customers want small portions while others want large portions.Few readers
HR Tools
How to create an employee schedule and set shifts
With Sprwt HR Tools you can create schedules and shifts for your employees.Few readersHow to create a schedule break
With Sprwt's HR Scheduling tools you can create breaks that are paid or unpaid and can be tracked with your system. Note: Several states require breaks to be paid by law after certain hours are worked. Please review this data with an appropriate 3rd party agent before finalizing your scheduling.Few readersHow to create an employee role
With Sprwt HR tools you can create roles that your employees work and the department they are in. This is needed to create shifts, manage time sheets and schedules, and create employee users.Few readersHow to create an employee department
With Sprwt HR tools you can create departments that your employees work in. This is needed to create shifts, roles, and employee users.Few readersWhat is Sprwt Accounting?
Sprwt Accounting is a suite of tools that help you with bookkeeping and accounting processes. With Sprwt's partnership with Plain you will be able to connect your business account(s) and therefore import all your transactions into our platform. From the **transaction** tab you can then categorize all your transaction; both income and expenses. This will automatically generate cash flow reports, profit and loss statements, and give you a better picture as to your businesses financial status.Few readersHow to create an employee staff member
With Sprwt HR tools you can create employees to put on schedule, manage payroll, time sheets, and more.Few readers
How to use the Affiliate System
We are excited to announce the launch of our new affiliate program feature on! This feature will allow you to create contracts with influencers to help promote your business and referring new users to join and place order.Some readersWhat are the advanced analytics?
Running some ad campaigns and want to track different conversions? This analytics add-on generates data-layer information so your ad campaigns can understand conversion metrics, purchase values, registration triggers, and more.Few readersHow can I track conversion metrics on Sprwt for my Facebook, Instagram or Google Ads
Are you interested in running Facebook & Instagram Ads or Google Ads? Curious on how you can track conversions, purchase values, new registrations. With all the recent updates we've made this process as easy as possible.Few readersBlog
Blogging can be a useful tool for improving a website's search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results and attract more relevant traffic. Blogging copywriting services can help businesses and individuals create written content that is optimized for search engines. This can include keyword research to identify the most relevant and popular terms to include in the content, as well as writing in a way that is clear and easy to uFew readersHow to create a list or group for Email marketing
With Sprwt you can create custom lists and groups for your email marketing campaigns. To get started you need to setup your email marketing plan. Good news, its free for the first 150 emails. Once you've created your account, go to marketing email lists and create a new list. You can then add customers manually or import. You can now use this list to target specific customers for campaigns.Few readersHow to enable or turn off Sprwt Popup Forms
With Sprwt, you can enable popup forms if you are using the Email marketing and SMS marketing system to generate lead lists and build your funnel. To get started, sign up for Email marketing under the billing page. It's free for the first 150 emails!Few readers
Selling Extras and Addons
Selling merchandise, such as snacks, drinks, coaching courses, or merchandise has never been easier with Sprwt. With the extras ordering system you can upsell and cross-sell easily to increase your checkout revenue.Some readersExtras Reports
The report for your 3rd-party items is found by going to Admin Dashboard Fulfillment Reports Extras Report. There, you'll see a list of each Extra product that has been purchased for the pickup/delivery date. The report will also tell you how many of each item was purchased, and provide clickable Order numbers to see the invoice each item is associated with.Few readersDisplay and Cross-Sell Extras
You control if and how to cross-sell during checkout.Few readers
What's the difference between pausing, cancelling, and skipping a delivery.
With Sprwt both you and your customers have several options to control and manage the status of a subscription, renewal periods, and more. There are three fundamental functions: Pause and reactivate a subscription Skip a delivery Cancel a subscription In scenarios 1 and 2; pausing a subscription and skipping a delivery date. The subscription status is still set to active. When a customer cancels a subscription the subscription will NOT be active. If a customeSome readersSubscription Billing/Renewal
In this article, “Subscription” refers to the subscriptions created in Admin Dashboard Kitchen Settings Weekly Subscription. “subscription” refers to the subscriptions customers have purchased, as viewed in the Admin Dashboard Subscriptions Click on the ID. “Renewal Day” refers to the day of the week specified in the Subscription as Renewal Day or, if manually changed, in the subscription as Day to Renew. Manually change the specific dateSome readersCan I create a recurring coupon for subscriptions or change the renewing price of a subscription for an individual customer
The million dollar question - can I create a coupon that recurs every renewal. The simple answer is no. However, that doesn't mean you can't give a customer a recurring discounted rate for their subscription renewal.Some readersCancel a Subscription
A customer calls you and tells you they're moving, need something else, whatever the case they have cancelled. So how do you cancel a subscription on Sprwt. First, navigate to the customer’s Subscription page by going to Admin Dashboard Subscriptions Click On the ID . You can search for a customer by typing his/her name in the search bar in the top-right corner. Click Cancel Auto Renew. Select days you want to cancel: Select all remaining days in the customers’Some readersView & Manage Customer subscriptions
Who's on a Subscription and how many meals do they need today? Have no fear, we've got some answers for you. To see active subscriptions for a particular date, go to Fulfillment Reports Subscriptions Report. For each active subscription, you will see: Subscription ID, which you can click to see the customer's Subscriptions page and detailed settings. Subscription Plan name. Customer information, including name, email, and phone number. Subscription Group name. HFew readersHow do I pause a subscription
With Sprwt, you can set a subscription renewal to pause. What this means is all future billing renewals will stop until you re-activate the plan. This will not cancel or refund any meals that have already been paid for. To pause a subscription as an admin go to admin subscription click on client subscription ID pause plan To pause a subscription as an customer, tell your customer to go to profile my subscription pause plan As an admin you can change your pauFew readersWhy can't my customers select any meals on a subscription
This is the most common question we are asked and we pin-pointed the answer to 3 Error Categories. We recommend you go through these 5 potential scenarios to see if you can fix the matter on your own. However, if you need any help, feel free to send an email to our support team. Menu and Meal Recipe Errors Did you set a menu for that date? a. Go to Kitchen Menu and set a menu ( readersSkip a Subscription Pickup/Delivery
You can only skip or cancel dates that are within the current billing period. In our system, when you skip a date in a customer's subscription, they are still paying for the meals they would have received at the same time, but their billing period will be extended - the customer will get an extra day, on which they will receive the meals they had previously paid for, and the next time their plan renews is pushed back. There are no refunds associated with skipping. Go to the customer's sFew readersUnderstanding Meal Auto-Selection
When customers are on a subscription, they have the option to select their meals randomly or have the Sprwt system (your company) randomly select meals for them. These meals are randomly selected based on the customers' diet preferences, subscription group category limitations, and subscription meal category limitations. Auto-selecting meals can ONLY be done when the delivery date is closed. You are able to auto-select meals in 3 ways. On the dashboard, Once meal selections onFew readers
Stripe & Billing
How to refund an order back to the customer credit card
With Stripe you are able to refund the amount a customer pays back to their bank. You can refund charges made to your account, either in whole or in part. Refunds use your available Stripe balance—this doesn’t include any pending balance. If your available balance doesn’t cover the amount of the refund, Stripe debits the remaining amount from your bank account. To refund an order to the digital balance is completely free and does not incur any banking feesSome readersHow to view payouts to your bank
For you to receive funds, Stripe (or your platform) makes payouts to your bank account. Payout availability can vary based on the country you’re operating in. In most cases, when you start processing live payments from your customers with Stripe, you won’t receive your first payout until 7–14 days after receiving your first successful payment. The first payout may take longer for a number of reasons, including your country or being in a high-risk industry. Processing subsequent payouts then hapFew readersHow to view a Stripe Payment on Sprwt
With Sprwt you are able to view multiple details about every transaction and payout that occurs on your platform. To get started please make sure you have connected your Stripe Express account to Sprwt. Go to Admin Dashboard Stripe Payments Click on Payment ID On this page you can view the payment information and manage refunds to the digital wallet and back to the customer's credit card.Few readersHow to connect Stripe Account
After you've created your Stripe Account you will be able to link it to your Sprwt website. Please Note: Once you connect your stripe account, transactions on the site are live and you will not be able to use a test card. To get started go to your Admin Dashboard Business Settings Kitchen Location and then click on the location you want to link to your stripe account. In the top right corner click on Connect Stripe. You will then be prompt with a page to select your Stripe account toFew readersHow to view your Stripe Balance on Sprwt
Want to view your previous payouts from Sprwt to your Bank account. To get started please make sure you've connected your Stripe Express account. Go to Admin Dashboard Stripe Balance On this page you can view future balances, previously paid balances, and more information regarding your payouts with Stripe.Few readers
User Management & Contact
Refunding a Customer (in-depth)
A customer doesn't want their meals this week, something was charged or refunded incorrectly, you made changes that create a price difference, or wanted to spoil a favorite customer... What now? A customer's balance in their Digital Wallet is store credit they can use to make purchases on your site, by clicking the Use Balance? checkbox when checking out. Any Refund button, whether from the Subscriptions pages or the Customer Orders invoices will refund the amount to the digitaSome readersSMS Marketing System Activation
Looking to improve your relationship with customers by giving them notifications, updates, and communicate via text messaging? With our built-in SMS system, you can do exactly that, with all your customers in easily accessible groups. Need to send a notification or reminder? We got that! Our system automatically groups customers into useful sets. You can also create or upload your own groups, or contact individual customers. Each customer will receive the message separately and will be ablFew readersSMS List & Contact Manual Upload
Our system automatically groups existing customers into useful sets, including checkout date, pickup/delivery date, subscription, or ordering module. If you have specialized groups or contacts who have not yet registered a profile in your new system, you can upload those just as easily! Go to Admin Dashboard SMS Contacts and click New List. Enter the Name for internal recognition of this group, and click Save. Lists When sending a message, these lists willFew readersHow to place orders for your customers with the Checkout-As function
This can be useful in a variety of situations, including training new employees, troubleshooting issues with the checkout process, or completing a purchase for a customer who is unable to complete it themselves.Few readersHow to charge a customer a custom amount with the checkout as
In Sprwt you can use the checkout as feature to place orders for customers from your meal prep menu, catering menu, by the pound menu, custom meals menu etc.... But what happens if you need to charge them something that's not on your menu? Well we have a solution for that to. You can click the calculator icon in the bottom left corner (see image below) and then charge a custom amount. Then complete the checkout as you would normally with the checkout as system. Calculator Function for CheckoFew readersSMS Messages & Calls
Looking to improve your relationship with customers by giving them notifications, updates, and communicate via text messaging? With our built-in SMS system, you can do exactly that. Not only are all your customers in one database, but you can even send out messages to pre-built groups.Few readersCustomer Profile Management
With Sprwt's CRM system you have complete control over your customers' profiles. To access a user profile go to Admin Users from this dashboard you can click on the customer ID you'd like to view/edit. You can search for the specific customer by typing the customer's name in the search bar located in the top-right corner. To create a new user, simply click Add New and enter a Name, Email, and Password. On this page, you will see various details pertaining to that cuFew readersHow to add funds to a customers digital balance
With Sprwt, you can add funds to a customers digital balance. We recommend doing this in exchange of refunding funds back to the customer's card or if you are trying to give marketing credits. That way you don't lost a cash flow loss or can increase customer loyalty.Few readers
How to connect Mailerlite Classic to Sprwt and add Popup Form Keys
Sprwt has partnered with MailerLite to provide you the ability to create simple email marketing campaigns. Please note, this integration is not an API integration but a simple connection to allow for newsletter form signups and new subscribers on your site to import into MailerLite.Some readersHow to integrate with Klaviyo
Sprwt partnered with Klaviyo so we can provide you with a more comprehensive email marketing solution. Klaviyo's email marketing platform allows you to create targeted email campaigns based on customer data. It offers a range of features including email templates, automated email flows, and analytics. With Klaviyo, you can segment your email lists and personalize emails to improve customer engagement and increase your conversion rates.Some readersCan I have another language on my website?
With Sprwt you can have multiple languages on your website with our Google Translate integration. Simply activate the Google Language Integration and select the languages you want applicable to your site. Then select if you want the Google translate button in the header of your site as well as the footer of your site. Google Language IntegrationFew readersHow do I offer Real Time Ordering?
Sprwt has recently built out a new feature called Real Time Ordering. This feature will allow you to have access to our Kitchen Display System (KDS) and offer your customers the ability to have real-time orders. This feature is available for any Sprwt client to activate for an additional $150/mos. To learn more about Real Time Ordering, please feel free to contact and schedule a demo with a sales agent. If you are already purchased this feature and you areFew readers
Inside the Kitchen
How to Create a Meal Recipe
You run a restaurant so the most important feature you need is to build out recipes in an efficient and simple way. With Sprwt, you can manage all of your kitchen needs with one dashboard. From ingredient and sub-recipes to food costs and meal prices to nutritional information and heating instructions and more. To start go to Admin Dashboard Kitchen Meal Recipes and click add new to create a new recipe or click on a meal recipe card to edit an existing recipe. Then enter the name of tSome readersHow to set a meal prep menu visible for customers to order
You'll need to set your **Menu **to specify which meals customers can select from for their orders. All the meals you've ever created will stay in your system under **Meal Recipe**s, and in your **Menus** tab, you'll choose the items that are available for customers to purchase for each pickup/delivery date.Some readersHow to Create an Ingredient
The Sprwt Ingredient System gives you the power to create detailed sub-recipes and reports so you know exactly what to purchase, cook, and package. Additionally, allowing your customers can track their nutrition with each meal. To start go to the Admin Dashboard Kitchen Ingredients & Sub-Recipes and click add new to create a new ingredient or click on an ingredient you wish to edit. You start by entering the name of the ingredient and the category. You can create meal ingrediSome readersHow to delete and restore a meal recipe
If you have a meal recipe that you no longer want to have active on your site, both from the customer dashboard and the admin dashboard, you can delete/disable the meal recipe. Note, this will not permanently delete the meal but disable it from view. You can always restore meals that have been deleted.Few readersHow to create a Sub-Recipe
The Sprwt Ingredient System gives you the power to create detailed sub-recipes and reports so you know exactly what to purchase, cook, and package. Additionally, allowing your customers can track their nutrition with each meal. To start go to the Admin Dashboard Kitchen Ingredients & Sub-Recipes click add new to create a new sub-recipe or click on an existing sub-recipe you wish to edit. You start by entering the name of the sub-recipe and the category. We recommend that youFew readersHow to Create By The Pound items
Want to offer certain items in bulk quantities to customers? With the $75/mo By The Pound ordering system, customers can select an item to purchase in bulk quantities. After confirming your purchase of this add-on with a Sprwt representative, follow this guide to set up your BTP items. Define your category options By default, each By the Pound order consists of one Protein and one optional Sauce. If necessary, you can change these categories. Make sure you've completed yourFew readersHow to clone a menu
In Sprwt you can create recurring menus, menus that automatically rotate after a cutoff timer expires, and even categorize meals to create menus for different diet preferences. We've got a lot of great features, but the same question we always get is, "but how do you clone a menu to make the menu building process easier?"Few readers
Designing your Website
How to edit your website pages with Sprwt CMS editor
Need to edit one of your pages but not sure where to get started? With the Sprwt CMS system you can create and edit all your pages using widgets and modules to give your site a completely custom look with no-coding skills necessary.FeaturedHow to create and edit a FAQ
In Sprwt we want to give you as much control as possible, and part of that is creating the pages you need to run your business. One of the most important pages a business needs is a Frequently Asked Questions. A Frequently asked Question section (FAQs), can drastically help your customers understand how your business works, how to manage your website, know your refund policies, and more. To create or edit a FAQ go to Admin Dashboard Business Settings Pages and select Page ID 1 to sFew readersHow to create a new page
Looking to create a new landing page or informational page to your site. With Sprwt CMS you can create as many pages as you need. To start go to business settings pages add new and enter a Title for the page as well as the URL slug that will be used on your site. For example, you may create a page to provide information about your ingredients and recipes. The title of the page will be Recipes and the URL Slug will be Recipes the final domain for this page will be sprwtFew readersHow to Delete a Page
Created a Sprwt CMS Page and no longer need it? To delete a page is a simple as a few clicks. To get started go to business settings pages and click on the ID of the page you want to delete. In the top left corner click on Settings and then click on the red button that says Delete. A popup will ask if you are sure, once you confirm your page will be deleted.Few readers
Dashboard and Reports
Business Intelligence and Sales Reports
How much revenue did I generate? What do I owe the IRS? Which meals are my customers in-love with and what do they hate? With Sprwt you have access to over 16 different Business Intelligent Reports that can help you understand your taxes, order metrics, revenue, profit margins, and more. Sales Sales See how much revenue you made, your overall tax expenses, delivery fees, refunds, coupons, and several other key metrics you want to know about. Sales Pickup See the checFeaturedDelivery and Pickup Reports
A bunch of orders came in, I just made a mess in the kitchen, put everything away but now what? With the Sprwt system, you can easily create routes for your delivery drivers with just a few clicks. Go to Fulfillment Reports Delivery Report and/or Pick-up Report. On your Delivery Report, you'll see one section for each Delivery Route & Method that you've created in Delivery Settings. Each order will have been placed in its appropriate report according to the zip code it belongs to, and theFew readersSprwt Dashboard: Meal Selection/Production
Welcome to Sprwt, you now have access to a dashboard that works with you to help you grow. "But what do all these numbers mean and what do I do?" Sprwt is a real-time automated system that communicates what you need to do for a given date right on your dashboard. On the right-hand side, you'll see a calendar, with a circle on each pickup/delivery date, meaning a customer can place an order for that date. The selected date will have a blue circle, and the numbers on your dashboard will tellFew readersMeal Labels, Packing Slips, Bag Labels, and more labels!
As part of our fulfillment reports, Sprwt automatically generates a label when an order is placed on your site. Our system has several meal label types for your meal prep orders, retail orders, wholesale orders, grab and go orders, catering orders. It also includes delivery and fulfillment labels such as packing slips, invoices, bag labels with QR codes, and more.Few readersOpening and Closing Dates on Dashboad
Aside from the information display, your dashboard also has some important functions for you to control your store open and closed delivery/pickup dates. Meal Selection: Opening & Closing Meal Selections If meal selections for a given date are open (green circle on the calendar), customers are able to place new orders for that date, and/or select the meals they will receive for their subscription on that date. Meal selections are automatically closed (yellow circle on the caFew readersHow do I create a supplier
With Sprwt you can track suppliers for purchasing your ingredients to make your shopping lists more precise and organized. To get started make sure you have the supplier role toggled on for your admin user role (business settings user roles) then go to your kitchen settings suppliers add new. Once you've created your suppliers you can go to an ingredient and add the appropriate supplier tag. When you go to your inventory shopping lists you and export the file you can soFew readersHow do I edit my Cancel/Pause Funnel Options
With Sprwt you can ask customers to answer why they are canceling or pausing a subscription and learn from the feedback. To activate or disable this modal go to business settings configuration order:subscription and enable the funnel popup. To edit the funnel go to kitchen settings Cancel/Pause Funnel Add New readersDifferentiating the Cooking Reports
Once orders are placed, Sprwt will automatically generate multiple cooking reports such as the ingredients shopping list, cooking report, meals report, sub-recipe report, and other order reports for by the pound, custom meal builder, catering orders, and retail orders.Few readers