Why can't my customers select any meals on a subscription
This is the most common question we are asked and we pin-pointed the answer to 3 Error Categories. We recommend you go through these 5 potential scenarios to see if you can fix the matter on your own. However, if you need any help, feel free to send an email to our support team.
Menu and Meal Recipe Errors
Did you set a menu for that date?
a. Go to Kitchen > Menu and set a menu

Did you tag your meal recipes?
a. If your customer needs Vegan meals but you're not tagging the meals Vegan this is the issue. Just go to your meal recipes and tag them appropriately.
Did you activate the portion size for the meal?
a. Go to the meal recipe and activate the portion size. Don't forget to add an upgrade price and to edit the ingredient quantities to make sure your reports are accurate.
Subscription Plans and Categories Errors
Did you create a subscription group and have several tags in them?
a. This is the most common reason that your customers are not selecting meals. Remember the plan groups should ONLY have diet categories. Do not add type categories like Entree, Breakfast, Snacks, etc... in the plan group. That is not where they belong. This fix is relatively easy, you need to go to subscription groups and remove any non-diet category options. Please make sure to apply the change to on renews, new subscriptions, and any open days. This will update everyone at once and fix your error for all customers immediately.

Is your customer limited by the categories per day?
a. If you have the wrong categories per day that conflict with your plan categories your customer may never get meals. This fix is easy, just change the categories to what you the customer wants, for example 1 breakfast per day and 2 entrees per day.

Customer Profile Errors
Did you TOGGLE ON your type categories to show on profile?
a. Under Kitchen Settings > Meal Categories make sure any meal that is not a Diet Category is not toggled on to show on profile.
Does your customer have several options listed under diet preferences?
a. You can view your customer's profile under admin > users. If your customer has several options selected this may prevent them from getting meals that fit every category. Contact your customer to discuss removing some filters.
Does your customer list too many allergens or dislikes?
a. Some customers have too many preferences that prevent you from serving your meals because of their allergens or dislikes. You may need to limit your dislike options or find another solution for your customer.
Menu and Meal Recipe Errors
Did you set a menu for that date?
a. Go to Kitchen > Menu and set a menu

Did you tag your meal recipes?
a. If your customer needs Vegan meals but you're not tagging the meals Vegan this is the issue. Just go to your meal recipes and tag them appropriately.
Did you activate the portion size for the meal?
a. Go to the meal recipe and activate the portion size. Don't forget to add an upgrade price and to edit the ingredient quantities to make sure your reports are accurate.

Subscription Plans and Categories Errors
Did you create a subscription group and have several tags in them?
a. This is the most common reason that your customers are not selecting meals. Remember the plan groups should ONLY have diet categories. Do not add type categories like Entree, Breakfast, Snacks, etc... in the plan group. That is not where they belong. This fix is relatively easy, you need to go to subscription groups and remove any non-diet category options. Please make sure to apply the change to on renews, new subscriptions, and any open days. This will update everyone at once and fix your error for all customers immediately.

Is your customer limited by the categories per day?
a. If you have the wrong categories per day that conflict with your plan categories your customer may never get meals. This fix is easy, just change the categories to what you the customer wants, for example 1 breakfast per day and 2 entrees per day.

Customer Profile Errors
Did you TOGGLE ON your type categories to show on profile?
a. Under Kitchen Settings > Meal Categories make sure any meal that is not a Diet Category is not toggled on to show on profile.

Does your customer have several options listed under diet preferences?
a. You can view your customer's profile under admin > users. If your customer has several options selected this may prevent them from getting meals that fit every category. Contact your customer to discuss removing some filters.
Does your customer list too many allergens or dislikes?
a. Some customers have too many preferences that prevent you from serving your meals because of their allergens or dislikes. You may need to limit your dislike options or find another solution for your customer.
Updated on: 22/12/2022
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