Articles on: Admin Dashboard

Selling Extras and Addons

Selling merchandise, such as snacks, drinks, coaching courses, or merchandise has never been easier with Sprwt. With the extras ordering system you can upsell and cross-sell easily to increase your checkout revenue.
With the $25/mo Extras ordering system, customers can add extras to every order, either as a direct purchase in its own order tab (among A La Carte, Subscriptions, etc.), or when in the cart during checkout, through a pop-up upsell or cross-selling functionality capability you can add to your checkout pages. 

Once you confirm your purchase of this add-on with a Sprwt representative, create an Extra item by going to Admin Dashboard > Kitchen > Extras. and click Add New Extra or click on an item to edit. Then upload an image, enter the name of the item, and the price. You may also add a description under 400 characters. When you are done, hit save.

Updated on: 29/12/2022

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