Articles on: Admin Dashboard

Understanding Meal Auto-Selection

When customers are on a subscription, they have the option to select their meals randomly or have the Sprwt system (your company) randomly select meals for them.

These meals are randomly selected based on the customers' diet preferences, subscription group category limitations, and subscription meal category limitations.

Auto-selecting meals can ONLY be done when the delivery date is closed. You are able to auto-select meals in 3 ways.

On the dashboard, Once meal selections on a date are closed, you will be able to AUTO CHOOSE MEALS for all the customers who have Meals yet to choose, based on the subscription they've purchased, the meals on the menu, and preferences listed on the customer's profile. Items with surcharges will be excluded.

For each instance of a customer for which this will not be possible, due to credit card issues or diet limitations that eliminate all items on the menu, will result in an error message.

You can click on the dashboard number Meals yet to choose and view all active subscriptions for customers who have not selected their meals. You can then individually view subscription via the subscription dashboard. You can then randomly select meals customer-by-customer.

On the subscription dashboard, you can also manually choose meals for each customer.

Please note, missing, unselected meals will not be shown on reports.

Updated on: 22/12/2022

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