Articles on: Settings and Configurations

Marketing - gift cards & other promotions

Need to manage your marketing programs? These features allow customers to accrue digital currency to apply towards checkouts.

Go to Admin Dashboard > Business Settings > Configurations > Marketing

Marketing: Analytics

Bing Webmaster - Verification Code
Facebook Pixel Code
Click *this link**.
Click Get Started under Business or Brand.
Create an ad account.
Create a pixel.
Copy the Pixel ID.
Google Adwords Conversion Label
Google Adwords Tracking Number
Google TagManager
Google Webmaster - Verification Code


Allow Shipping: Yes or No
Your company has or does not have a physical gift card to deliver.
Description, Subtitle, Title, giftcard_image to appear on the home page and gift card ordering page
Required Fields
Recipient information that must be entered to send the gift card to.
Values: numbers separated by |
Each number will appear as an option available for customers to select titled $n.


Referral Program
Allow Refer a Friend: Yes or No
On a customer's profile page, there will or will not be a card called Invite your friends and get money*!** Each customer can click on the card and see their unique referral link, which they can send via various methods. Another possible customer can use this link to register a new account. 
Digital Amount to Referred Customer: numerical value
When an account is created with a referral link, the new account will receive this amount in its digital wallet.
Digital Amount to Referring Customer: numerical value
When an account is created with a referral link, the account from which the link was generated will receive this amount in its digital wallet.
Show Invite a Friend in the Site Footer: Yes or No
In the footer, a button titled Invite a friend will or will not appear. This button would bring up the popup with the referral link and various methods to send it.
Birthday Program
Birthday Present Amount
If a customer lists their birthday on their profile, they will receive this amount in their digital wallet on that day each year.
Facebook review URL and Google Review URL
If either one of these fields is not empty, on a customer's profile page, there will be a card called Give us your feedback with a button that will open a new tab that will direct to that link.
Loyalty Program
Loyalty Cashback Percentage: numerical value
Whenever any customer makes a purchase, they will receive this percentage of their checkout into their digital wallet.

Marketing: Social

Add links to create a button in the footer that will open a new tab that will direct to that link.


When a customer enters a gift card code, the amount is added to their digital wallet
When a customer is refunded, the amount is added to their digital wallet
To read more on how you, as an admin, can manage a customer's balance, see this FAQ article.

Updated on: 22/12/2022

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