Business: visibility and security
Need to manage the visibility of your business information?
Go to Admin Dashboard > Business Settings > Configurations > Business.
Business: Dashboard
What links do you want to have easy access to when you log in to the admin dashboard, in the Quick Links section, and how will they appear?
Quick link n
Type a link.
Note: if it's a page within the Sprwt system, you can start after the domain name, e.g. /admin/menus.
Note: if it's a page outside of the Sprwt system, make sure you start with the http
Quick link name n
Type a name that can be clicked on to reach Quick link n.
Business: Integrations
Which captcha will you use to secure your site?
Click [this link]( to create a new Google reCAPTCHA.
Select reCAPTCHA v2, then select the specific validation type you'd like to use.
Enter the domain name that your Sprwt site will be directed to when you launch.
Enter the email that you'd want to use to log in to the Admin Console and adjust security preferences and track interaction.
When you submit the form, enter the Secret Key and Site Key in Google Recaptcha - Secret Key and Google Recaptcha - Site Key.
Business: Kitchen
Calendar Visible Date Range: number
Customers will be able to see the meals available for this many upcoming menus (regardless of how many upcoming menus you've set in Kitchen > Meal Prep Menu) and make purchases for those dates.
How do you want to display ingredients on website?
Do not show sub-recipes or ingredients
Show Sub-Recipes only
Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes (Sub-Recipe, Sub-Recipe, etc.)
Show Sub-Recipes and its ingredient breakdown
Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes and Kitchen > Ingredients that are used to make Kitchen > Sub-recipes (Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), etc.)
Show ingredients only
Kitchen > Ingredients that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes and Kitchen > Ingredients used to make Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes (ingredient, ingredient, etc.)
Show 'How To' on website?: Yes or No
On each of the ordering system pages, a How to Order X button that brings up a pop-up video of how to order from the ordering system will or will not appear.
Show Allergens / Show Diet Categories / Show Dislikes: Yes or No
Customers will or will not be able to select Allergens / Category Preferences / Dislikes on Profile Preferences that will automatically filter meals they can see.
Business: Labels
What will labels look like?
Custom Meal Builder, Extras, Meals, Proteins by the Pound Label
Select the fields that will appear on a label for each CMB item / Extras item / Meals (purchased from A La Carte, Subscription, or Meal Packs) item / BTP item.
Expiration Date text: Enjoy by or Freeze by
This text will precede the expiration date.
Meals Expiration Days (Labels): number
The expiration date that appears will be this many days after the customer receives the meals.
Show Sub-ingredients on label
Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), etc.
ingredient, ingredient, etc.
Business: Website
How will the website be searchable?
Company Email: text, contact email customers should reach that appears in the header, footer, and on the Contact page.
Company Favicon: image file, 100x100 JPG or PNG that appears as the icon in the browser tab.
Company Logo: image file, logo that appears on the navigation bar, admin dashboard, and labels.
Company Main Address: text, location of the company that will be shown to customers on the Contact page.
Company Main Address - Latitude and Company Main Address - Longitude: decimal-formatted number, coordinates of the company that will pinpoint your location on the interactive map on the Contact page.
Company Phone Number: number, contact phone number customers should reach that appears in the header, footer, and on the Contact page
Company State: text, state name for SEO
Company State Abbreviation: two letters, state abbreviation for SEO
Company Website URL: link, your final site
Company Zipcode: number, zip code for SEO
Custom Badge - Color: HTML color code, color of the banner that appears on meals for which the custom toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Custom Badge - Title: text, label that appears on the banner of meals for which the custom toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Fields mandatory on Register: fields for which an asterisk appears on the registration page and which must be filled out in order to successfully register a customer profile.
Fields to ask on Register: fields which appear on the register page.
Premium Badge - Color: HTML color code, color of the flag that appears on meals for which the premium toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Premium Badge - Title: text, label that appears next to the flag on meals for which the premium toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Show Countdown: Yes or No, timer to cutoff clock will or will not appear in the header
System Email - BCC Email Address: email addresses separated with semicolons, to which confirmations of every checkout will be sent.
System Email - Email Address From: email address which customers will see that automatic order confirmations are being sent on behalf of.
Note: if you are changing this field, click the button titled Click to Verify email at the top of the configurations page, then go to this inbox and click the link sent by Amazon Web Services SES, which runs the automatic email trigger system.
System Email - Name from: name which customers will see that automatic order confirmations are coming from.
Website description: text, description for your site in a search engine listing.
Website Title: text, name of your site that appears in a search engine listing.
Go to Admin Dashboard > Business Settings > Configurations > Business.
Business: Dashboard
What links do you want to have easy access to when you log in to the admin dashboard, in the Quick Links section, and how will they appear?
Quick link n
Type a link.
Note: if it's a page within the Sprwt system, you can start after the domain name, e.g. /admin/menus.
Note: if it's a page outside of the Sprwt system, make sure you start with the http
Quick link name n
Type a name that can be clicked on to reach Quick link n.
Business: Integrations
Which captcha will you use to secure your site?
Click [this link]( to create a new Google reCAPTCHA.
Select reCAPTCHA v2, then select the specific validation type you'd like to use.
Enter the domain name that your Sprwt site will be directed to when you launch.
Enter the email that you'd want to use to log in to the Admin Console and adjust security preferences and track interaction.
When you submit the form, enter the Secret Key and Site Key in Google Recaptcha - Secret Key and Google Recaptcha - Site Key.
Business: Kitchen
Calendar Visible Date Range: number
Customers will be able to see the meals available for this many upcoming menus (regardless of how many upcoming menus you've set in Kitchen > Meal Prep Menu) and make purchases for those dates.
How do you want to display ingredients on website?
Do not show sub-recipes or ingredients
Show Sub-Recipes only
Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes (Sub-Recipe, Sub-Recipe, etc.)
Show Sub-Recipes and its ingredient breakdown
Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes and Kitchen > Ingredients that are used to make Kitchen > Sub-recipes (Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), etc.)
Show ingredients only
Kitchen > Ingredients that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes and Kitchen > Ingredients used to make Kitchen > Sub-Recipes that are used to make Kitchen > Meal Recipes (ingredient, ingredient, etc.)
Show 'How To' on website?: Yes or No
On each of the ordering system pages, a How to Order X button that brings up a pop-up video of how to order from the ordering system will or will not appear.
Show Allergens / Show Diet Categories / Show Dislikes: Yes or No
Customers will or will not be able to select Allergens / Category Preferences / Dislikes on Profile Preferences that will automatically filter meals they can see.
Business: Labels
What will labels look like?
Custom Meal Builder, Extras, Meals, Proteins by the Pound Label
Select the fields that will appear on a label for each CMB item / Extras item / Meals (purchased from A La Carte, Subscription, or Meal Packs) item / BTP item.
Expiration Date text: Enjoy by or Freeze by
This text will precede the expiration date.
Meals Expiration Days (Labels): number
The expiration date that appears will be this many days after the customer receives the meals.
Show Sub-ingredients on label
Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), Sub-Recipe (ingredient, ingredient, etc.), etc.
ingredient, ingredient, etc.
Business: Website
How will the website be searchable?
Company Email: text, contact email customers should reach that appears in the header, footer, and on the Contact page.
Company Favicon: image file, 100x100 JPG or PNG that appears as the icon in the browser tab.
Company Logo: image file, logo that appears on the navigation bar, admin dashboard, and labels.
Company Main Address: text, location of the company that will be shown to customers on the Contact page.
Company Main Address - Latitude and Company Main Address - Longitude: decimal-formatted number, coordinates of the company that will pinpoint your location on the interactive map on the Contact page.
Company Phone Number: number, contact phone number customers should reach that appears in the header, footer, and on the Contact page
Company State: text, state name for SEO
Company State Abbreviation: two letters, state abbreviation for SEO
Company Website URL: link, your final site
Company Zipcode: number, zip code for SEO
Custom Badge - Color: HTML color code, color of the banner that appears on meals for which the custom toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Custom Badge - Title: text, label that appears on the banner of meals for which the custom toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Fields mandatory on Register: fields for which an asterisk appears on the registration page and which must be filled out in order to successfully register a customer profile.
Fields to ask on Register: fields which appear on the register page.
Premium Badge - Color: HTML color code, color of the flag that appears on meals for which the premium toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Premium Badge - Title: text, label that appears next to the flag on meals for which the premium toggle has been toggled on in Kitchen > Meal Recipes.
Show Countdown: Yes or No, timer to cutoff clock will or will not appear in the header
System Email - BCC Email Address: email addresses separated with semicolons, to which confirmations of every checkout will be sent.
System Email - Email Address From: email address which customers will see that automatic order confirmations are being sent on behalf of.
Note: if you are changing this field, click the button titled Click to Verify email at the top of the configurations page, then go to this inbox and click the link sent by Amazon Web Services SES, which runs the automatic email trigger system.
System Email - Name from: name which customers will see that automatic order confirmations are coming from.
Website description: text, description for your site in a search engine listing.
Website Title: text, name of your site that appears in a search engine listing.
Updated on: 22/12/2022
Thank you!